Quite often I am asked by clients how long their video/s should be. Unfortunately, there is not a simple answer - other than; as long as it needs to be.
People will watch for as long as you have their attention. There are 3 hours plus videos out there with millions of views. But that doesn't mean it will work for your content.
A lot of the time it's about experimenting and testing. But luckily millions have been there before you, and there is a lot of a data to source.
The first step in answering this question will be figuring out what kind of video you are making. Is it promotional? Informational? Instructional? Once you know that, do a little research and find similar videos online. Look at the length and the views. Find an average and go with that. Then once you begin building your audience, you can source your own data in making that decision.
Here is a cheat sheet to help you on your way:
#SIDE NOTE It may be true that videos appearing in social media feeds should be shorter to make them more digestible. But if you have a longer video, say 20 minutes plus you can always make cut-downs from that main video that will be more digestible in social media feeds. That shorter content can then link to the main piece.
Article by: Rob Mitchell, Head of Production, Madcutta.com
I hope this article was helpful and if you'd like more information or are interested in working with madcutta.com - Get in touch